Saturday, August 1, 2020

This event has already ended.

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Formerly Lake City Pioneer Days, and then called SalmonFest - well the same general Lake City festival concept returns as the Lake City Summer Festival and Parade. This event takes place just west of Lake City Way and mostly north of NE 125th St. We put down the Lake City Library as the location since if you get there, you're pretty much at ground zero of the event. This event features the iconic salmon bake, a car show, a drone area, a kids zone, the return of an artists and crafts emporium (which was bizarrely removed last year - cheers on bringing that back), and of course the parade. The kids parade starts at 6pm, the dog parade at 6:30pm and the grand parade at 7pm. There is a new parade route, so make sure to check that out.


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