Tuesday, June 16, 2020

This event has already ended.

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The event will be livestreamed through the Pacific Science Center's YouTube channel - and will feature, "whale researcher Dr. Deborah Giles with the UW Center for Conservation Biology and Deep Green Wilderness filmmakers Kevin Campion and Shawnecee Schneider, who have been studying and following Pacifc Northwest whales for years. Dr. Giles will discuss how their team, including Conservation Canine Eba – a whale poop sniffing dog, are investigating the health of endangered Southern Resident killer whales and other species of whales in the Salish Sea. Kevin Campion and Shawnecee Schneider will share segments of their “Right Over the Edge” documentary, which focuses on the search for the North Pacific right whale. They will explain the basics of the North Pacific right whale and why saving them matters right now."


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